"Hard Driving Bluegrass Music!"

Sunday, October 20, 2024


 Hey all. Just a bit of an update about what's going on with the radio shows. The pages which host the on-demand version of the shows linked from my pages was recently hacked, and they have not restored the archives as of yet. I am speaking of the Internet Archive, which is a well-known source for all kinds of historical and contemporary media. Please consider sending them some support as they get themselves back online. Since the on-demand versions are offline at present, the only way to hear the new shows presently is via one of the radio stations which carry the shows each week. Below is what I'm sure is just a partial list. There are other affiliates who have not even alerted me to the fact they are airing the shows. Another option is to send me a private message and I will send you a copy of the show(s) privately. Finally, it's probably been more than obvious that I have not been posting a reminder every week. I have been working on other projects this past summer, and new shows have been coming out only every other week. Stations have been receiving both new and older shows, but I have not posted reminders here unless the show is new. This is essentially my new 'semi-retired' model. This has always been just a hobby, but it is a hobby with many obligations to stations, etc., so it has always been time intensive to produce, edit, and distribute. I'm hoping that during the coming colder months that I will be able to put together more new content to keep things as fresh as possible. For now, you might find the shows on some of the following stations: CJMP, KALH KBOG, KCHW, KDUR, KECG, KFCE, KGFN, KGIG, KHOI, KIBH, KIOF, KKRN, KOCF, KOPN, KPHD, KRFP, KSVR, KVRZ, KXCJ, KXCR, WBDH, WDRT, WEJP, WGDR, WGXC, WHPW, WJEG, WLPP, WLSL, WMNB, WNEC, WNHN, WNPA, WOOL, WOTR, WPVM, WRAQ, WRST, WSCS, WSLR, WTM, WWOV, WYAP, WXDR, WXHR, WZNC, Global Community Radio, The Bluegrass Jamboree, Bluegrass Planet Radio, Boston Free Radio, Bumps Radio, The Global Voice, Homelands Radio, North by South Radio, Radio Djerdan, Radio QDX, Radio Tucker, Salsburgh FM, Shout Radio, Southern Branch Bluegrass Radio, Sugar Country Radio, Sword Radio, WSSE Online, 920WON The Apple, and others. Thanks everyone. Please stay in touch and send me your thoughts!


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